Teen Leadership Opportunites from Ohio 4-H
Ohio State Junior Fair Board
4-H, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and FFA members ages 16-20 have the opportunity to stay at the Ohio State Fair for twelve days working at various shows, concerts, and events around the fairgrounds.
Teen Leadership Council (TLC)
4-H members aged 14-18 and 4-H alumni ages 18-20 work throughout the year to encourage improvement in the Ohio 4-H program and facilitate 4-H judging at the Ohio State Fair.
Ohio State 4-H Fashion Board
Clothing Construction and Consumer Clothing 4-H members can be nominated by their county to serve on the Fashion Board. Members meet a few times throughout the year, speak at the Ohio 4-H Conference, and facilitate the Ohio State Fair Clothing Days Judging.
Ohio 4-H Conference
The Ohio 4-H Conference is a collection of workshops and classes geared toward improving Volunteer, and Teen 4-H member, experiences with 4-H. Eligible 4-H members are between the ages of 13 and 18. Contact the Summit County Extension Office for more information.
Teen 4-H Awards
Ohio State Achievement Award
This award recognizes a 4-H member's achievements in a specific category of 4-H, 27 different categories are available. 4-H members selected as an Achievement Award winner will be sponsored to attend the National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, GA.
Ohio 4-H Teen of the Year and Hall of Fame
This award is for 4-H members who have worked to make their best better in all aspects of life as well as in the world around them.
4-H Scholarship Opportunities
There are currently 36 statewide 4-H scholarships being offered. In addition to these scholarships, individual counties may offer county-based scholarships. Click the link below for more application information.
State 4-H Camps
Leadership Camp
A five-day camp for 4-H members ages 15-18 promoting peer leadership skills. 4-H members must be nominated for this opportunity by their county.
Sea Camp
Sea Camp is held at Kelleys Island in mid-July. 4-H members ages 14-17 can attend this aquatic-based camp along Lake Erie to learn aquatic science and participate in watersports.
Shooting Sports Camp
Junior Shooting Sports Camp - 4-H youth in grades 3-6 learn basic archery and shooting skills.
Senior Shooting Sports Camp - 4-H members in grades 7-12 learn basic or advanced shooting sports skills.
Space Adventure Camp
4-H members ages 11-13 can learn about flight, science, and outer space through similations and hands-on activities at this three-day residential camp at Marietta College (Marietta, Ohio)
Special Needs Camp
This accessible camp provides a true camp experience for 4-H members who need accomodations for their medical, physical, and emotional needs.
Forestry and Wildlife Conservation Camp
4-H members grades 7-11 spend a weekend enjoying traditional camp activities while learning about forestry and wildlife, and careers in natural resource management. This is a very interactive and hands-on camp experience.
4-H Forestry and Wildlife Camp