The 2024 Summit County Milkweed Pod collection sponsored by the Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative will take place October 1 through October 30.
Collect pods from Common Milkweed plants and drop them off at the Summit County Extension (440 Vernon Odom Blvd, Akron 44307) located in the Akron Urban League building. A green and yellow collection bin is located INSIDE the Extension office. The office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00-12:00, and 1:00-4:00.
Enter the Akron Urban League through Door #20 and the receptionist will direct you to the Extension office.
Collecting Seed Pods
- Become familiar with the Common Milkweed to avoid harvesting pods from similar plants such as hemp dogbane and swamp milkweed.
How To Identify Common Milkweed
- It is recommended that you wear disposable gloves when picking and handling pods.
- IMPORTANT: Harvest the pods when they are dry, grey or brown.
- If the center seam pops with gentle pressure, they can be picked.
- Leave some pods on the plant to ensure natural regeneration occurs.
- Collect pods into paper bags or paper grocery sacks. Avoid using plastic bags because they attract moisure.
- Label the bag with the date of collection and the county where collected.
- Store seeds in a cool, dry area until you can deliver them to the collection bin.
The collected pods will be cleaned and the seed will be used to establish new plantings and to create additional habitat for the Monarch Butterfly in Ohio.
For more information:
OPHI Annual Milkweed Pod Collection
Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative
Summit Soil and Water Conservation District - 330-929-2871